Photo by Jason Rosete
You guessed it. Chrome's got yet another photo contest. This one's about eating shit and taking a picture.
In proper Halloween fashion, they're making a call for submissions of the most grotesque, unsightly, or otherwise terrifying result of a spill on a bicycle this month. So submit by next Friday (28th) to chrome@chromebags.
They'll upload them to their “SCABS” photo album each day. Rack up the most “Likes” on your photo by the 31st of October and you’ll win their prize package:
(1) Black/Orange Chrome Yalta Backpack
(1) Black/Orange Chrome Rook Wallethttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
(1) First-Aid Kit
They'll announce the winner on Halloween right here on Facebook!
(One submission per person, no stock images please).
And I'm gonna be biased and ask everyone to like my good friend Jason Rosete's image. He's a part of Macaframa and one talented photographer. Plus, it's Congo! Follow this link to his page and LIKE.