(Kell on the left, whose at CWMC, and Anton on the right)
Recently, I got to talk to Anton about riding, QCR, and his plans this year. I'm really proud of him and I can't wait to see what else comes from this guy.
1. What’s your name and where you from?
My name is Anton Bennett, 27, and from Oakland California.
I've been hesitant to go through Crucifixed's Poker Run photos because I'm still trying to hammer out all the details of the day. It was a lot of fun and I'll go back once all my body parts heals.
Bruce Gordon hasn't been getting many orders in recently and that may mean they'll have to close up shop soon. This is their recent blog posting about it:
Chrome's having a photo contest wth their release of Niko, their new camera bag. Submit by July 25th with a photo that embodies the feeling of your city how you see it.You can win a Chrome Niko bag + a Nikon d3000 SLR camera.
Step 1. Submit your entry photo to chrome@chromebags.com by July 25th, 2011 - 12PM PST.
Step 2. ‘Like’ the Chrome fan page & check out our photo album called “This Is My City.” We’ll post all submissions there.
Step 3. Wake the town & rack up some ‘likes’ on your photo. The photo with the most ‘likes’ by July 25th wins our prize package.