Look what I found: Tour de Cupcake! What started in 2008, it's taken almost 3 years before it's finally come back around. Here are the details:
- In an alleycat format, every cupcake you eat gives youa time deduction.
- Max 300 racers with after party at CellSpace
- Bike Valet
Check out their
interim site and
FB event page.
Registration is officially open here and you have to register online to race: http://tourdecupcake2011.eventbrite.com/
Tour de Cupcake
Sunday, Oct. 9th, 2011. 1pm.
Starting line TBD.
$15 (gets you TWO parties with free beer and treats, 5 gourmet cupcakes to slam during the race, bike valet, spoke card, T-shirt discount, etc...)
Please spread the word!